Åbo universitet



ARCar is an autonomous driving project with the goal to create complex, autonomous movement in a Traxxas RC car with a Raspberry Pi and small-budget sensors. Our goal is to have the car following a line on the ground in front of it while avoiding obstacles. Obstacle avoidance is achieved via a LiDAR and ultrasonic sensors, while line detection works through Raspberry’s own camera. Our team plans to thoroughly document the challenges working with sub-par hardware in order to help future research about efficient automation.


The RC car we were given was Traxxas’ X-Maxx Model 77076-4. We were also given Raspberry Pi 3 Model B for controlling the car. Sensors for the car were Leddar M16 and 5x HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors. Raspberry Pi camera was used for machine vision.

Future development

Design more intelligent driving logic so that car can drive in any track. Car should also be able to bypass obstacles and be able to return back to track.